Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Do Keywords In Domains Matter?

Lets talk about something that is fairly important. I have been asked in the past in order to make money online with blogs, does it matter if my keywords are in the domain. I used to say not really. But until more recently have I been using exact keyword domains and ranking in top 3 spots with 0 inlinks in Google. I am able to make money faster than ever with new domains. First off, I know what I have told some of you. Yes I did say buy preowned domains. I still say to do that, but I also know that if done properly, You can immediately rank in the top of Google right from the get go.

What that means is that I am making money at a faster rate than ever with less work. Does it take work to make money online? Of course it does! Don’t think that are easy ways to make money on the internet with little to no work unless you want to lose your butt on PPC campaigns. Thats another story, but the fact of the matter is, keyword research still proves so valuable with this method as well.

Now that leads us to this MMO site. Would WhataWookie Be ranking better in Google for the term Make Money Online and even Make Money Online free if Make money online was in the name of the domain? Yes it would. While I have gone after branding this site more than being concerned with the words make money online in my domain name, I probably would have done things a little differently, and went ahead and registered a name with those keywords in it.

I really am not worried at this point though because the site already ranks for plenty of MMO keywords, and it also is being found in Google for things like Make Money Wookie and Make Money Online Wookie. This tells me that the branding part is working. Now let me ask you a question folks. If you are building a site to make money with, do you build it to brand the site, or do you build it to rank in Google?

Organic traffic is the most important traffic a site can ever have. While I will probably sell this site down the road, and for that purpose I have branded it, branding is the least important thing when monetizing a site, unless you have an ecommerce site where you are hoping for return buyers.

Let me repeat this to everyone that has a social blog, or trys to make money with twitter and other social sites. Organic traffic is the best traffic for adsense and other types of ad placements for a blog or even a static html site. If you are trying to make money with social traffic then i’m sorry, I don’t have tips for you.

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